
Weekly attacks, hacks and breaches - 22/11/2019 - Re-solution
  • November 22, 2020
  • Rebecca Smith

Weekly attacks, hacks and breaches – 22/11/2019

50% of Public Sector IT chiefs reckon their data is less valuable than private-sector data, Disney blames past hacks on users accounts being sold online, an Android bug could allow

Weekly attacks, hacks and breaches - 29/11/2019 - Re-solution
  • November 1, 2020
  • Rebecca Smith

Weekly attacks, hacks and breaches – 29/11/2019

Black Friday = Hack Friday, $50,000,000 stolen from Crypto exchange and when is a cancelled account not a cancelled account? 24% phishing attack increase this week… The frenzy that is

Weekly attacks, hacks and breaches - 13/12/2019 - Re-solution
  • December 13, 2019
  • Rebecca Smith

Weekly attacks, hacks and breaches – 13/12/2019

1&1 hit with £8,000,000 fine & Gambling definitely doesn’t pay for this chap. But first Santa is real?! ‘Tis the season for stuffing. Not the edible kind but the password

Setting up device trust to secure the workforce - Re-solution
  • November 25, 2019
  • Rebecca Smith

Setting up device trust to secure the workforce

Endpoint Protection Challenges With an estimated 70% of breaches on endpoints (laptops, workstations, servers, and mobile devices), businesses need to gain insight into the devices connected to both network and

Weekly attacks, hacks and breaches - 15/11/2019 - Re-solution
  • November 15, 2019
  • Rebecca Smith

Weekly attacks, hacks and breaches – 15/11/2019

Check Point’s ZoneAlarm suffers alarming breach and some very strange goings-on in a school in Manchester. But first The Labour Party is under a massive DDOS attack. Labour is under