Data compromise

  • September 22, 2021
  • Noman

Monthly attacks, hacks & breaches – September 21

What’s going on around the world with attacks, hacks and breaches? Technology giant Olympus hit by BlackMatter Ransomware Olympus was hit with a ransom from BlackMatter on September 8th 2021

Weekly attacks, hacks and breaches - 22/11/2019 - Re-solution
  • November 22, 2020
  • Rebecca Smith

Weekly attacks, hacks and breaches – 22/11/2019

50% of Public Sector IT chiefs reckon their data is less valuable than private-sector data, Disney blames past hacks on users accounts being sold online, an Android bug could allow

Weekly attacks, hacks and breaches - 29/11/2019 - Re-solution
  • November 1, 2020
  • Rebecca Smith

Weekly attacks, hacks and breaches – 29/11/2019

Black Friday = Hack Friday, $50,000,000 stolen from Crypto exchange and when is a cancelled account not a cancelled account? 24% phishing attack increase this week… The frenzy that is

Weekly attacks, hacks and breaches - 13/12/2019 - Re-solution
  • December 13, 2019
  • Rebecca Smith

Weekly attacks, hacks and breaches – 13/12/2019

1&1 hit with £8,000,000 fine & Gambling definitely doesn’t pay for this chap. But first Santa is real?! ‘Tis the season for stuffing. Not the edible kind but the password

Weekly attacks, hacks and breaches - 15/11/2019 - Re-solution
  • November 15, 2019
  • Rebecca Smith

Weekly attacks, hacks and breaches – 15/11/2019

Check Point’s ZoneAlarm suffers alarming breach and some very strange goings-on in a school in Manchester. But first The Labour Party is under a massive DDOS attack. Labour is under