Meraki CCTV & Sensors

Explore Cisco Meraki CCTV & Sensors.

How many different pieces of hardware and software do you need for your security cameras? Cisco Meraki security cameras eliminate the traditional security camera requirement of multiple pieces of hardware and software to be able to function. Cisco Meraki footage is viewable anywhere on any device at any time.

Ensure your critical infrastructure remains protected with Meraki Sensors. Realtime alerts for intruders, humidity and leaks all under your one Meraki dashboard.

Why Meraki CCTV & Sensors?

Meraki CCTV & Sensors - Re-solution

Secured & Encrypted

Cisco Meraki cameras are delivered secure with publicly signed SSL certificates and all Meraki management data being secured by default. Cisco Sensors are secured with Trust Anchor module (TAm) ensuring data is secure and encrypted.

Whilst viewing video streams both local and remote everything is secured using industry standard encryption by utilising TLS with AES encryption and publicly signed certificates Meraki camera take the guesswork from viewing footage natively in your browser.

Meraki CCTV & Sensors - Re-solution

Bandwidth Conscious

Cisco Meraki’s architecture places up to 256GB of video storage on the camera itself, not in the cloud to ensure your network activities get the bandwidth they need when they need it. This coupled with your own preferences on what and when footage gets uploaded enables complete control.

Cisco Meraki cameras have unique features and functionality to ensure that only motion-based footage is retained alongside scheduled recording to customise video storage plans for every deployment.

Meraki CCTV & Sensors - Re-solution


Cisco Meraki’s cameras and sensors are all-in-one products with everything that is needed to get you up and running arriving in a single box. With only one piece of hardware and software it removes the multiple challenges that existing solutions are unable to address.

There is no need to buy additional pieces of expensive hardware to be able to store and then transmit the data elsewhere alongside no need for additional software packages to be able to analyse and view the data remotely.

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