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Cyber-security for start up organisations

  • By Noman
  • January 6, 2022

In today’s world where near enough everyone uses technology, everyone benefits from cyber-security! Even if you do not know it… Organisations of all sizes require cyber-security plans and measures in place. Are you a start up organisation? The below should be of some use to you…

Cyber-security for start up organisations

Cyber-crime is ever evolving, and new attacks are being developed constantly it can feel hard to keep up with the cyber-security world! This is where we can come in and help you and your organisation.

Cyber-security is much more than just protection and defence of your network and organisation from possible attacks. To help you understand cyber-security within your organisation more, we have compiled the below terms in which you should be aware of:

Malware – a type of software designed to cause harm or exploit any programmable device, service, or network. I.e. computer viruses, worms and trojan horses.

Ransomware – a form of malware that locks the user/organisation out of their devices or accounts and then demands a ransom which is usually paid in crypto coin (harder to track should they be reported to the police) to decrypt their devices/accounts and restores access.

Phishing – the illegal use of electronic communications such an email to take advantage of users and collect personal information for the cyber-criminal’s gain.

Cyber-attack – any unauthorised attempt to access, alter, steal or block system or user information.

Cyber-security for start up organisations - Re-solution

Firewall – a network security system that tracks all incoming and outgoing network traffic based on security rules set up within your organisation.

Network – a digital telecommunications network for communication between devices that use a common telecommunications technology.

User authentication – this is used to identify and confirm access of anyone who connects to the network.

Multi-factor authentication – a layered security system that requires more than one way of authentication (usually from another device such as your mobile phone or smart watch) to gain access to an account or device.

Anti-virus – used to help protect your organisation’s devices against malware and cyber-criminals by finding and removing computer viruses that have infected your device(s).

Cloud – a storage system that allows the access of data and programmes over the internet instead of your computer’s hard drive. Check out Umbrella for your cloud security.

Cyber-security for start up organisations - Re-solution

Penetration test (aka pen test)– an authorised simulated cyber-attack on a computer system, performed to locate network vulnerabilities which you can then fix or improve upon.

All organisations require cyber-security plans in place to ensure that there are no disruptions to businesses as an attack can force you to close parts or all of your business whilst you investigate where the breach is, the cause of it and the solution to fix it.

Getting yourself up and running again is only the first step. You will need to contact affected customers as well as the data protection authority, nn the UK this is the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office).

Depending on the breach depends on how you notify and gain trust again with your customers. In America companies have been known to offer complementary credit/fraud checks due to the type of personal data released.

In addition to this, the ICO may well decide that the incident was a result of a GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) violation, in which case you are liable to receive a financial penalty and face legal action.

Do you know what you should be asking your IT team with regards to cyber-security? Check out our blog here.

Contact us today to arrange your FREE security audit!

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