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Weekly attacks, hacks and breaches – 22/11/2019

  • By Rebecca Smith
  • November 22, 2020

50% of Public Sector IT chiefs reckon their data is less valuable than private-sector data, Disney blames past hacks on users accounts being sold online, an Android bug could allow hackers to view people through their phone cameras and in bad to good news £13,000 has been returned to Whitby Wildlife Sanctuary after Email Hackers scammed the charity.

Ya data’s not valuable – Public Sector

A survey compiled by Sophos has revealed that over 50% of Senior Managers within NHS, Government and Education agreed with the following statement.

“The data held by my organisation is less valuable than data in a private sector organisation.”


Pretty concerning considering these sectors hold the personal identifiable data of over 66 million citizens including names, addresses, national insurance and passport numbers alongside medical records, coupled with the fact that over 66% confirmed they’ve had issues with ransomware over the last 12 months doesn’t make for good reading.

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Beauty and the Data Leak Beast

Disney and their latest endeavour to join the likes of Netflix and Prime in the online streaming race has left many of their customers accounts hacked and put up for sale on the dark web for as little as £2.50.

Disney has been quick to advise that their security is up to scratch and that these leaks have come from previous breaches at other companies and not from their own systems.

Still using the same passwords across multiple accounts? Not advised but you’re definitely not alone…

Check out Cisco Duo – keeps you secure even if your password is Password123 everywhere…

I spy with my android eye

Security research team Checkmarx has uncovered a new bug eloquently named CVE-2019-2234. The team has revealed that this bug allows hackers to access the camera functions of their devices and worryingly also access to users stored videos and photos.

Google has advised that a patch is on its way to address concerns.

Scourge of society steals £13,000 from Whitby Wildlife charity.

Whitby Wildlife Centre who rescue over 4000 wildlife species a year recently suffered at the hands of a total lowlife who after hacking their email systems stole £13000 of their much-needed funds.

The hack was caused by hackers incepting emails regarding invoice payment and directed the funds to their own bank accounts.

In great news, the charity posted about this and the community rallied together and fundraised over £20,000 to help the charity back on their feet. The bank also refunded the money stolen from them.

Emails security is essential…

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