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Zero Trust with Cisco DUO

  • By Rebecca Smith
  • May 22, 2020

Protecting your users and applications has never been more important.

2020 has seen an unfathomable shift in how businesses are operating, employees are working, and cloud / on-premise applications are being accessed.

So how are users connecting to applications?

Bill Gates famously stated in 2004 that the end of passwords was near but here we are 16 years later, and it doesn’t look as though the traditional password is going away any time soon.

A study has shown that 59% of 2000 people surveyed across UK, Germany United States and France use the same password across all their personal and work accounts and that 81% of all hacking-related breaches are caused by compromised passwords.

Securing applications & employees

With so many people using the same password across multiple applications it is only a matter of time before a password becomes compromised. Check out the table below for sizeable breaches in the last several years.

CompanyCompromised Accounts
Avast Antivirus422,959
Foxy Bingo252,216
MGM Resorts3,081,321
Paddy Power590,954
Zynga Games172,869,660

Traditionally applications would be secured through a token-based 2FA solution such an RSA SecurID and while these have on the whole worked well for large enterprise organisations the complexity and financial cost of traditional 2FA have meant that this is not a viable option for small to mid-size organisations.

Who wants to be carrying a separate piece of hardware around with them everywhere they go to be able to access the applications they need?

Roll out Cisco DUO

Cisco DUO makes 2FA simple, easy and secure. Take the one thing that you’re most likely to have on your person anywhere you go and make it your secondary authentication device. Check out the below to see how it seamlessly secures applications.

DUO Supported applications

Everything. No seriously.

Cisco DUO can secure any application stored anywhere with full integration documentation available on securing the below applications.

1PasswordCaradigmEgnyteJuniper UACOktaSlack
ActionCAS (Central Authentication Service)Epic HyperspaceKeeper SecurityOneLoginSmartsheet
Adobe Document CloudCheck Point VPNEvernoteLabTech SoftwareOPAQ 360SonicWALL SRA SSL VPN
Aeries SISCisco ASAExpensifyLastPassOpenVPNSophos UTM
Aha!Cisco ASA SSL VPNF5 BIG-IP APMLDAP ProxyOpenVPN Access ServerSplunk
Akamai Enterprise Application AccessCisco Firepower Threat Defense VPNF5 FirePass SSL VPNLookerOracle Access
Amazon Web ServicesCisco ISE RADIUSFortinet FortiGate SSL VPNmacOSPagerDutySugarCRM
ApplicationCisco RADIUS VPNFreshdeskMarketoPalo Alto NetworksSumo Logic
Appsian Security PlatformCisco UmbrellaG SuiteMerakiPalo Alto Networks ApertureSyncplicity
Array SSL VPNCisco Webex (with Control Hub)Generic Service ProviderMeraki RADIUS VPNPalo Alto SSL VPNTableau
Aruba ClearPassCisco Webex Meetings (with Site Admin)GitHub EnterpriseMicrosoft ADFSPartner Auth APITableau Online
AsanaCitrix Access for BusinessMicrosoft Azure Active DirectoryPartner WebSDKThycotic Secret Server
Atlassian CloudCitrix Gateway (NetScaler)GoTo AppsMicrosoft OWAPingFederateUdemy
Auth APIClarizenGreenhouseMicrosoft RD GatewayRADIUSUNIX Application
AWS Directory ServiceCloudLockHackerOneMicrosoft RD WebRemedyforceUserVoice
BambooHRConfluenceHackerRank for WorkMicrosoft RDPResilient SystemsVMware View
Barracuda SSL VPNCrashPlanHerokuMicrosoft RRASRingCentralWeb SDK
Barracuda WAFCyberArk Privileged Account SecurityHipChatMicrosoft TMGRobinWordPress
BitiumCyberArk Privileged Account Security LDAP/RADIUSHuntressMicrosoft UAGSailPoint APIWorkday
BitwardenDatadogIglooMondaySailPoint WebWorkplace by Facebook
BomgarDevice Management PortalJamf ProNamelySamanageZoom
BonuslyDigiCertJenzabar OneNetDocumentsSauce Labs 
BoxDocuSignJIRANetMotion MobilityShareFile 
BugsnagDropboxJitbitNew RelicShibboleth 
CanvasDrupalJuniper SSL VPNOffice 365Signal Sciences 

5 pillars of trust

  1. Establish User Trust by verifying their identity before any access is given to applications or resources.
  2. Gain visibility into what devices are being used to access applications and resources.
  3. Ensure the devices (Corporate/BYOD) that are being used are trustworthy and meet your security requirements.
  4. Enforce Adaptive Policies based on user, device and location to protect application and resource access.
  5. Enable a uniform secure way of accessing all applications

Find out more about DUO here – Re-solution Cisco DUO

For instant online pricing and for a free trial simply visit the below. Cisco DUO – Instant pricing and Free Trial

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