
Weekly attacks, hacks and breaches - 29/11/2019 - Re-solution
  • November 1, 2020
  • Rebecca Smith

Weekly attacks, hacks and breaches – 29/11/2019

Black Friday = Hack Friday, $50,000,000 stolen from Crypto exchange and when is a cancelled account not a cancelled account? 24% phishing attack increase this week… The frenzy that is

City of London hit by millions of cyberattacks - Re-solution
  • August 28, 2019
  • Rebecca Smith

City of London hit by millions of cyberattacks

The City of London is facing more cyber threats than ever before, according to new figures that show the UK capital’s local authority is being hit by almost a million

Need an Umbrella? - Re-solution
  • August 26, 2019
  • Rebecca Smith

Need an Umbrella?

Through the years, ever since cyberattacks became a clear threat to the world, security has been at the front lines of keeping everyone safe. However, cyber attackers have grown bold

Antivirus vs Anti-malware - Re-solution
  • August 20, 2018
  • Rebecca Smith

Antivirus vs Anti-malware

So why is Re-solution doing a blog on a topic like this? They do the same thing right…? Both refer to cyber-security software, but what do they really mean? How