Multi-Academy Trust switching. wireless. security. cameras. sensors.

Empowering educational institutions with the future of networking. Re-solution & Cisco Meraki deliver a transformative blend of simplicity, security, and scalability to Multi-Academy trusts.

Re-solution & Meraki. Delivered together.

Future proof technology

Cisco Meraki’s technology delivers over-the-web upgrades to ensure that your technology investment is continuously improved with new features automatically delivered.

With these constant upgrades and improvements you can ensure that your Meraki devices constantly keeps up-to-date with emerging device technology alongside increased visibility, analytics and troubleshooting tools.

True cloud management

Cisco Meraki technology is completely cloud based being the only true end-to-end Network and device management provider with full management from a single browser.

Utilising Cisco Meraki’s powerful and intuitive multi-site cloud management reduces the cost and complexity of traditional on-site solutions whilst ensuring deep visibility and control from anywhere in the world.

Where Re-solution fit in

As a trusted partner, we work exclusively with Cisco as we believe they have the most complete approach to deliver on our customers needs and requirements.

Unlock the value of a cloud based unified network and device model, one that covers all areas of your environment encompassing Security Cameras, Switching, Wireless, Security, SD-WAN and Device and Application Security.

Re-solution & Cisco Meraki. Multi-Academy Trust Case Study.


A Multi-Academy Trust in Northampton reached out to discuss a project they were undertaking to provide every pupil within their 13 school estate with an iPad.

Wireless, Security and dependability of the network were the key deciding factors in what solution would be the most appropriate fit for their needs.


Re-solution worked extensively with the MATs internal team to ensure that the solution was both appropriate for the requirements and represented excellent value for money.

The solution chosen utilised Meraki Switches (MS), Meraki Security/Firewall Appliance (MX), Meraki WiFi 6 Access Points (MR) and Environmental Sensors to monitor air quality (MT).


The Cisco Meraki solution enabled all 13 schools to be configured, installed and tested within the Summer Holiday period ensuring that come the new term everything was ready for the pupils.

The solution incorporating Hardware, Licensing, 24×7 support and next day replacement of any faulty hardware for 10 years resulted in significant cost savings with the solution costing under £3000 per school per year.

``I appreciate Meraki being able to offer us the solution that we wanted, and I am really pleased with the outcome. I am pleased our end result was what we had hoped for.``

- MAT IT Director

Multi-Academy Trust. Complimentary Audit.

The complimentary audit for your Multi-Academy trust encompasses a thorough examination of key network components. We will look at your network devices, ensuring that they’re functioning optimally whilst also covering off network design and best practises.

Licensing, patching, and hardware lifecycle management are covered to ensure compliance and cost-effectiveness.

Applications, Managed endpoints and users are evaluated, alongside support and change management processes leading into disaster recovery and backups to ensure that your trust’s data is protected and can be quickly restored in case of unexpected events. Finally, a risk remediation table is provided, outlining potential risks and recommended actions.

The comprehensive audit aims to review your network’s performance, security, and provide valuable insights and recommendations for your Multi-Academy trust’s IT strategy.

Schedule your review

Cisco Meraki. Core Portfolio.


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